
Live to ride. Ride to eat.

About Us:

Mid-Life Cycles is a group of friends living in and around Houston Texas, who happen to have some things in common - one being motorcycles. Our love for riding brought us together, making the relationships with our friends and bikes even more meaningful. We travel near and far, enjoying great friends, beautiful sights and fun times.

MLC rides to Caushatta Casino Resort - April 6-7

Feelin' Lucky? Then you need to ride with us to Caushatta Casino Resort! We will meet on April 6th at the Cracker Barrel in Baytown at I-10 and Garth Rd. at 8 a.m. for those wanting breakfast. We will plan to have kick stands up at 9 a.m.. A southerly route is planned and depending on length of stops along the way, we should be in Kinder, Louisiana around 3 -4 p.m..
The return trip home is on Saturday, April 7th. Everyone makes their own breakfast arrangements then will meet up at the Holiday Inn Express parking lot at 9:14 a.m. , with kick stands up at 9:31 a.m.. We will take a slightly different route home, with a stop at Tuffy's on Hwy 12 for an early lunch. This route should have us home around 3-4 p.m..
Now you have the scoop, all you have left to do is rake in the dough!
If you have any questions, please contact me at midlifecycles2@aol.com.


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