
Live to ride. Ride to eat.

About Us:

Mid-Life Cycles is a group of friends living in and around Houston Texas, who happen to have some things in common - one being motorcycles. Our love for riding brought us together, making the relationships with our friends and bikes even more meaningful. We travel near and far, enjoying great friends, beautiful sights and fun times.

Extreme website makeover

You may have noticed midlifecycles.com hasn't been updated in quite awhile. My fault... I've been suffering from website apathy. I thought we'd give blogging a try instead, and just have the site URL point here. Our host is Blogger.com with a template as the basis for the new look. I edited it to make it our own, and included our brand new logo! Congratulations to Tod Phillips, Designer and Artist Extraordinaire, for winning the logo contest. Great job, Tod, and thank you from all of us for a great image that blends our love of bikes and Texas!

Anyway, I'm going to let Bob and Kelly (my two biggest critics) take a look at the new website concept. If they give two thumbs up, I'll turn it over to Bob to become our Bloginator. Not that he's long-winded, but we all know that Bob needs to write.

If they don't like it, hopefully we'll find someone else to take over updating the site. But if you're reading this, my critics were kind and we'll give this format a try for awhile. I'm wide open to suggestions and tips for fixing it up. If you have your own blog, or would like to start one, we'll add a link to you so everyone can keep up with your escapades as well. Look for updates, expect changes, and hope for the best.

And of course, no midlifecycles website would be complete without one of Jim's annual Arkansas nap photos.

~Melissa (aka Webby)~


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